More reasons why I hate Marvel’s Inhumans

More reasons why I hate Marvel’s Inhumans

* Karnak and his new girlfriend have been making love in her tent. Bad Guy is furiously jealous. He sits outside the tent loading his gun for hours. He doesn’t shoot them while they are in the tent and he’s sure of hitting them, possibly in the act. No, he waits for them to come out, misses, and of course they get away.
* Karnak’s girlfriend is wounded during their escape. They run away through the woods. At one point, she collapses to the ground, unable to go any further. Cut to commercial. Back from commercial, they’re running through the woods some more, and for the next 15 minutes.
* Black Bolt and Medusa ride around in a car with one of the bad Inhumans locked in the trunk. Eventually, they let her out of the trunk. Soon, her communicator rings, and Medusa imitates the woman to the other bad Inhumans. Why didn’t the locked-in-the-trunk Inhuman use her own communicator to call her allies?
* Some other bad Inhumans are combing the island, looking for the escaped Black Bolt. They are burdened by the overweight, slow, unwilling prisoner they have with them. But there’s no reason for them to have brought him in the first place! He can’t help them. And they’re taking him away from the place where they could have locked him up.
* Once again, Gorgon gets in a fight with some people, and it takes him getting his ass kicked — again — before he remembers that he can stomp on the ground and flatten everyone around him!
* Karnak and girlfriend return to the camp they escaped from (because — oh, never mind). She is still desperately wounded. When threatened, they do NOT take any of the vehicles available, but instead, run back into the forest they just came back from.
* Crystal has never seen the ocean, and is kind of terrified by it. Five minutes later, she’s frolicking in the water with Island Dude.
* Island Dude has just been teleported instantaneously over hundreds of miles by Crystal’s giant dog. But what HE finds really interesting is doing handstands in the sand.


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